The Song of Songs

A Guided Mission (1:8)

If you do not know, most beautiful of women,
go forth in the footsteps of the flock, and
tend your young goats near the shepherds’ tents.
~ Song 1:8 ~

Finally! King Solomon sends back an answer to the Shulamite about a noontime rendezvous — and gives her instructions for the path ahead. Now the only question is, “Will she venture out?

I want to share a few things I see in his response:

  • It is a “how” path, not a “where” path.

Do you notice there is no exact location given where she is to meet him? Instead, he tells her how to get there! There is delightfully as much wisdom in his answer as there was in her question. Solomon knew that if the wrong person intercepted the note, that person would not understand the secret shepherding language, nor take the simple, lowly steps to find him. But the Shulamite would! She had the heart of a trusting disciple, and it was not necessary for her to have all the answers before stepping out in obedience to what little light she was given.

  • There is protection on the path.

Remember in the last post, how the Shulamite was willing to go to the shepherd camp alone, and possibly be mistaken as a prostitute? Solomon’s response is interesting: “Tend your young goats near the shepherds’ tents,” he said. In the Hebrew it is young female goats specifically, which is unusual. And since it’s the only place in the Bible that uses this phrase, it suggests to me a coded reference for her friends, the “virgin daughters of Jerusalem,” who the Shulamite is seen influencing all through the Song. I sense protection here: Solomon not wanting her to “blow her cover,” (or veil, so to speak) too early for the world to handle who she is to him, and vice versa. There is more that needs to be said about this – but for now the wisdom of Solomon knows she needs to take others on the journey with her.

  • There is ministry to others on the path.

Mature love is self-giving, and Solomon’s instruction for “tending” her flock speaks into this. This includes doing so openly, (not in secret) alongside other shepherds. There is a certain relational richness to me in this image. The Bride is to be a loving nurturer of others on her journey of intimacy with Christ, and share this in a humble, symbiotic relationship with others who are doing the same.

  • There is submission to others on the path.

Last, but actually first, the Shulamite is to humbly follow the footsteps [Hebrew: heels, rear of the army, etc.] of other sheep on her way to Solomon. Likewise, in foreknowledge of our journey toward spiritual maturity and reproduction, God places “markers” on the path for us – gifts of people – who follow the voice of the Shepherd.

I have to say, part of the application of this section of the Song lately has been just this… remembering and honoring my spiritual fathers and mothers, and all those who have went before me. I grieve now for the times I grieved some of them, and feel that in repentance I am becoming more and more like them. In the good ways, I hope. :-)

Learn from these people still in your life who are on the same journey you are on, of following the voice of Christ. Some we have here for only a short while, but they play a critical role in getting us where we want to go. And be mindful to honor them. Relationships given by God are the building blocks and the stepping stones to the Kingdom of heaven.

P.S. It’s almost noontime.  It’s time to venture out! :)


If anyone would be be My disciple, let him give up all other desires,
and take up his cross and come after Me.
Mark 8:34

Thomas said unto him, ‘Lord, If we don’t know where You are going, how
can we know the way?’ Jesus said unto him, ‘I am the way.’ John 14:5-6


Don’t drag your feet, but be followers of them who, in committed faith and
patient endurance, are walking in their heritage…
Heb.6:12 (bbe) also 1 Cor. 11:1

Likewise, younger ones [in Christ], subject yourselves to the elder ones.
Yes, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility:
for God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble.
1 Pet.5:5


                         Peter, [broken] do you love Me?… feed my sheep  John 21:15~-~-~-~-~-~~.

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