The Song of Songs

Better Than Wine – A Sobering Subject

Your lovemaking is more delightful than wine.” Song 1:2⁠1

The first comparison that we are met with in the Song of Songs – is with wine. And interestingly, the first public miracle Jesus Christ did was to transform ceremonial water into top-quality wine. (John 2:1-11) And at a wedding, no less!

I don’t believe this is a coincidence.  Especially knowing that Moses performed a miracle of turning water into blood, as a sign of impending plagues coming on Egypt. Jesus, however, demonstrated in His miracle that he was bringing in a new era of grace,⁠2 and He is the bridegroom of the world that invites a people into relationship with Him! 

(A cup of wine was also shared between a Jewish couple at their engagement, as a symbol of entering into a new covenant together. See: Wine For The Bride Custom)

Wine is rich with nuances. It’s tasty to drink, intoxicating to varying degrees, and in order to make wine, it takes pressure on the grapes, and patient time to mature. 

But, like all the pleasures of this world, (food, sex, entertainment, hobbies, social media, etc) wine can also be addicting.

That is, if there is some disconnect from living a purposeful and abundant life, as we were meant to live.

What do I mean by this?


︎  Filled To The Full

Be not drunk with wine, but be filled with the Spirit, Ephesians 5:18

We quickly sense in the opening cry of the Bride, that this Woman has tasted something in the love of Solomon that has completely changed her life. She is intoxicated by him, and every fiber of her being is filled with a self-giving reason to exist. If she ever had any addictions or competing lovers, they lost their ability to have any power over her. The passion of being newly in love has a way of doing that! It’s an unquenchable fire that is “stronger than death” itself. (Song 8:6)

There is a principle that says, and I believe it is true: “The cure for addiction is not sobriety. It is connection.

Meaning, “just saying no” is not the answer to the hole in the human heart, that fills itself with various substitutes for true intimacy. Cut something unhealthy out of your life – and feel no passion or higher meaning for getting out bed in the first place – and it won’t be long before something unhealthy comes rushing in to fill the void.

But truly “be in love,” (in context here, with our bridegroom, Christ) and well … that’s a different story. :-) Suddenly you experience an other-worldly, never-ending intoxication that causes you to “sober up” to a preoccupation with temporary earthly pleasures and pursuits ~ and life takes on its truest meaning.

We live truly free, when held captive by the cords of Love.


1 NET Bible / 2 John 1:17, 3:29

  PREVIOUS POST:  “Thirsty For A Kiss – Song 1:2
  ALSO SEE THIS RELATED POST:  “Joy Unspeakable & the Discovery of a Chiasm”