The Song of Songs

Determined To Be Kissed (Song 1:2)

Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth… – Song 1:2a

What a bold and provocative way to start off the Song of Songs: “Let him kiss me.” Is the Woman talking to something, or someone, who is resisting her? 

I personally have been inspired in my pursuit of understanding the Song by looking to God for a hidden story behind the words. Like a musical or an opera – we can learn from both the words sung, and the actions acted out. Only we are not peeking in on actors here, but rather shadows of us and Christ. (As much as we can believe it!)

So with that being said, I see the Woman’s desperate cry for being kissed unfolding something like this: 

[Curtain opens]

The Shulamite suddenly appears off to the side, spotting King Solomon on the other side of a crowd of people. Friends, relatives, and powerful dignitaries – they were all there – each with their own agenda for being at this royal party. Desperate to get to her Beloved, the woman begins to push through, but the throng congregates more thickly between her and the King. Handsome princes puff out their chests and wink their eyes to get her attention. And other people hold out glasses of wine in a symbolic gesture to be distracted and stupefied. But she would have none of it. She is the King’s bride, and a woman who knows what she wants.  

“Let him kiss me!” the Shulamite shouts out, and with violent determination and force, she pushes through the crowd of temptations and is finally face to face with the King. His face beams with a smile, and his eyes tear up. He is obviously pleased that his Bride clearly desires what he desires.   

The Shulamite then realizes that somehow she is holding a glass of wine that someone in the crowd managed to get into her hands. Signaling to one of her maidens nearby to take the glass, the Woman then looks at the King and unabashedly makes a statement that delights his ears, but shocks and intrigues the few people standing close enough to hear her.

“Your lovemaking is better than wine,” she whispers.

[Curtain closes]

The Kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing,
and forceful people have been seizing it. – Matthew 11:12 (GWT)

Come boldly unto the throne of grace… – Hebrews 4:16

 NEXT POST:   Thirsty For A Kiss (Song 1:2 continued)
PREVIOUS POST:  “A Hidden Author in the Song”