Remember, it’s all free,” she said, taking my arm as we walked into the grocery store. I needed a little encouragement, for how often does one get a shopping pass to buy anything in a store without regard to cost? This happened recently when a friend was given a huge grocery card, and wanted to share it with me.
Wide-eyed, slowly pushing my cart down the isles, I couldn’t help but feel like a princess in a fairy tale. And as I actually believed it, my cart began to fill up with items—some things needful, some things for the pantry, and even treats I rarely get because of the cost.
Later when meditating on this unusual gift, the deeper meaning of it made me laugh out loud with joy, reminding me of this verse:
︎ Under the Tree of Life…
“As the apple tree among the trees of the wood,
so is my beloved among the sons.
I sat down under his shadow with great delight,
and his fruit was sweet to my taste.”
– Song of Songs 2:3
Holy ground! Certain passages of the Song, like this one, feel especially intimate. And yet, it is so “tastefully” worded, that lovers of God will find more than one application. Here are just a few thoughts that I’ve been chewing on:
Interesting information, endless diversions: there is such a vast forest of things that compete for people’s affection. But only one “Tree,” when eaten from, fills the eater with lasting and joyful satisfaction. I am convinced that Jesus Christ is anything but common.¹ When the Bride is in His presence, the pull of everything and everyone else fades away. She can’t help but express, “How beautiful is His face, and glorious His body!”
Imagine resting under a huge leafy tree when tired, and the hot sun is beating down. We remember the Shulamite especially appreciated the “shade” of her beloved, who set her free from a hard life of enslavement. Likewise, how sweet it is to rest in the shade of Jesus who invites us to release our strivings, doubt, and worry! Even as sexual consummation comes about with relaxing and letting go—so the spiritual meaning is equally clear. Mary is a good example of someone who knew the meaning of this kind of sitting.
How delicious the passion of the Song does illuminates the oft-quoted verse: “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.” ² It comforts our sad, religious minds that a relationship with Christ is not meant to be one of drudgery or lacking pleasure. Have you ever met someone who glows from enJOYment of God? Their secret is simple. A mature experience of pleasure is not singularly self-focused, but mutually self-giving. It is what makes pleasure “great.”
I should back up some, to share this tasty tidbit: that suggested in the Hebrew for this verse (particularly the word “sit”) is a woman who is lingering, and slowly savoring. Oh, I hope this image sinks in! It is not scarfing a bible reading, or being spoon fed a Sunday sermon. It is not contentment with a passing thought, or daily perfunctory prayer. “Quickies” are not bad in themselves, but deliberate intention is needed to communicate love to God. For that you’ve got to fully rest in His presence. For that you’ve got to deeply meditate on His words. For that you’ve got to take all the time He needs, and you need, to discover, savor, and yield to every subtle nuance of the dance of revelation that will ultimately fill you with Himself.
I cherish your commandments—oh, how I love them!—
relishing every fragment of your counsel.
– Psalm 119:48, The Message.
Make the time to linger with Christ Jesus today, and the sweet words that come from Him.
“It’s all free!” He says.
¹ Hebrews 1:9 ² Psalm 37:4