The Song of Songs

Perfect Timing (A Look at Song 2:7, 3:5, 8:4) 

Recently I read how bananas are picked green, and on route to the grocery stores are artificially gassed to ripen up. And because of this, they lack in nutritional value. It makes me think of our human tendency to manipulate results, and not wait for God’s perfect timing. 

“I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the gazelles or the does of the field, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” – Song of Songs 2:7

This is an important verse in The Song. It is mentioned three times, (2:7, 3:5, 8:4) and always in similar contexts. Admittedly, it took me awhile to grasp the meaning, partly I think, because of my religious upbringing. Many commentaries and teachers put it in the shadow of dating advice; warning against premarital sex or petting. I suppose that could be an application, but it usually feels like an attempt at throwing cold water on a hot fire. 

Let’s look at the context. Preceding each of the verses is an intimate embrace suggesting lovemaking. “His left hand is under my head, and his right hand embraces me.” Then following each of the verses is the Beloved suddenly “coming” in some manner; (2:8-15, 3:6-11, 8:5-7) the subtle differences of which are quite interesting. Including, why after the third time the Woman is included in this coming.

Who is this coming up from the wilderness, leaning on her beloved?
-Song of Songs 8:5

But it is the quiet, and sometimes challenging space before these “comings” that is the subject of today’s post. It is a space where the Beloved appears to have fallen asleep in the Woman’s arms; resting, and not moving fast enough for her. Aware of her position with him, she knows she could try to wake him up to do her bidding. Or, she could trust that he’ll get up when he’s ready. Choosing to be patient, she warns her immature and romantic girlfriends (using herself as an example of what a mature relationship looks like) not to manufacturer or manipulate this kind of love. Like a flower that intuitively knows to open by an internal clock, or a banana whose nutrition will be richest when the sun ripens it, so everything is best when given the full time it needs to develop.  

I want to point to the Beloved Jesus. He is our ultimate example of waiting upon God, and not rushing ahead. Even when in a tight spot, or in a holding pattern, Jesus never acted of his own accord. “I only do what I see my Father doing.”1 Why was He like this? It was more than just “obedience.” That may be enough for a slave-master relationship, but for an intimate relationship, the reason is deeper than that. Love thinks about the other person, and what their needs and likings are. Love knows there is a “fullness of time”3 to hold out for, and move towards —  when both can experience union and a fulness of joy together. 

Jesus knew about this verse in the Song. He spoke it into existence. He remembered it when tempted to start something on his own, or rush things along. It was “joy set before Him”that motivated Christ’s life – a joy that would not be joyful if it didn’t include our joy! It was how He went all the way to the Cross despite the temptations. “Reveal yourself…Jump off the temple mount…Make that rock into bread …Come down from the cross…” Aren’t you glad that He didn’t act on His own behalf? 

May this be our heart too, to not awaken, or stir up anything, apart from God. 

John 5:19 / 2 Hebrews 12:2 / Galatians 4:4-5