The Song of Songs

On the Road, to Understanding the Song of Songs

The road is narrow, that leads to Life,  ~ Matthew 7:14

Look for books, websites, or videos on the Song of Songs, and it will overwhelm you. It’s shocking how much is out there! Everything from marriage sex manuals, all the way to more complex, ‘mystical’ interpretations that are hard to wrap one’s head, let alone one’s heart around.

Instantly one realizes that what needs to be sought in earnest is God’s voice about the Song. There is a world of difference between human opinions that come from “earthly wisdom,” and Divine Truth that comes from spiritual revelation, and through spiritual relationship. It is this one and only “Truth”(or “Voice”) that we seek here, together.  

I say “together,” because I can only assume (as someone interested in subscribing to this type of website) that you are already in relationship to God, and recognize God’s voice. And as such, you know God’s voice is a “tree of Life” in the midst of all the other voices in the world, and you hunger for it! This instantly connects our hearts together. No one is alone, who seeks to be led and motivated by Truth, with true humility of heart.  

But how do we understand God’s Voice in the Song of Solomon – a challenging book that does not even mention God directly? Or “doctrine?” And that is dripping with sexual innuendos? 

Ahhh, that is exactly the adventure we are about to embark on!

But as a sneak peek, and to set the table for the feast, you can count on this book (the Song) pointing us toward an intimate, spiritual relationship with our Beloved, and “His body.”  Yes – that means all of the individual “body parts” that make up His body!

More about that as we get further down the road. :-)


︎ Speaking of a Road…

(a road being a way we transition from one place to another) …

Two men once walked on a road called “Emmaus,” puzzling over the recent crucifixation of Jesus by Roman authorities, and then, the amazing news of His coming back to life. Suddenly Jesus Christ, in His resurrected body, appeared to these two men and did something beautiful. He opened their eyes to recognize Him, by first causing their hearts to burn! How did He do that?

By “expounding to them in all the scriptures, the things concerning Himself,” Luke 24:27.  

Have you ever considered that “all” includes the Song of Solomon as well? Jesus may not have directly quoted from the Song, but neither do we read of Him quoting many of the Old Testament books. We only have a very small record of all that Jesus said and did, and even then, many things needed a more mature time before they could be revealed: i.e. like a time when carnal, religious paradigms that blind people to the truth comes to an end. Until this fully happens individually and corporately – we can rest assured that what Jesus said stands true… all the writings “testify of Him,” John 5:39.

So this is the approach we are going to take in the upcoming journey. To humbly seek the Spirit of God about the meaning of this very small, but powerful book. How it points to Christ. And what it means for our lives and relationships.

 ✦  But be aware.  ✦

The road to truly understanding the Song is a much more narrow road than how “mainstream” religious sources present it. It is full of challenges to traditional ideas, and will leave us with many unanswered questions. It is a road that will also awaken longings in us, and for awhile these longings will be uncomfortable. And then, it will break us…. leading to a death of the coddling, immature lusts of the individual “Self” that has, up to this point, been seducing us off the narrow road to begin with!

But although narrow, it is a fruitful road, with delicious food to enjoy along the way – like  joy, peace, and self-control.  Practical things!  

And it is a road that will put us straight into the reality of a loving, intimate Relationship – the Relationship that is the deep desire of every human heart!

It is a road that will lead us … home.