
The “Intimate Kingdom" is a site focused on the role the Song of Songs plays in the Kingdom of God, and one's personal relationship with Christ and His body. (apart from the religion of "churchianity") Take a look around. If you like what you read so far - feel free to download the free eBook, and then subscribe to get new posts.

Recent Song of Songs Posts Below

Precious Myrrh Between My Breasts (Song 1:13)

Pic of Woman holding a locket close to her heart

My beloved is like a pouch of myrrh that rests between my breasts.– Song 1:13.


I am speaking to you today, a fictional daughter, who has a name that’s dear to my heart. My Mom always thought it’d be nice to be called Anna. If she could change her name. So precious Anna, draw close. I have something to show you. It’s something I hope you can also smell.

See it here? This small, tightly-bound satchel hanging between my breasts? It’s called “Myrrh.” Go ahead, open it. The crystals are beautiful in color, aren’t they? Some call them “tears.” And for good reason.

I’ll try to be brief…

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More on Nard – That Explains a Lot!

Caravaggio - The Crowning with Thorns, 1603

When the woman poured the alabaster box of nard (or spikenard) on Jesus, before His death, there was something else going on behind the scenes. And once “smelled” in the Spirit — It explains in no uncertain terms how Jesus could endure all the suffering that He did.

So with that brief intro, I really hope you will listen to this powerful audio that shares a certain detail in this story that will bless your socks off, (and hopefully more!) and bring a sweeter depth to your relationship to the living Christ.

It’s by Jay Ferris, only 6 minutes long, and clipped out from a longer conference talk. En-JOY!

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Spikenard – The Overflow of Love (Song 1:12) 

Pic of Spikenard Flowers and Root

While the king is reclining,⁠1 my spikenard spreads forth its fragrance. – Song 1:12

It’s a humbling awareness, for a humble soul, that one smells good, and someone is drawn to you for that reason. Sometimes one even forgets they are wearing perfume! Have you ever had that happen? You put on a fragrance in the morning, and get so used to the smell that you completely forget about it during the day? That is, until someone later on comments that you smell good!

Jesus is our mirror, and His smile will reflect back to us and tell us that our faith and works of love are pleasing to Him. When in the divine presence of God, we may on one hand be aware of our stench. But that is not what she says. This is important. I feel a sense of despair whenever I hear God’s children talk about how wretched they are. This is not the result of love’s transformation! Love makes us clean, and gives us the perfume of spikenard to wear. Not to cover our stench, but to delight our Beloved, Jesus, and draw all people to Him!

Are we ashamed of this, our smell? Paul makes it sound like it’s a great honor:

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An Odoriferous Intro to Song 1:12-14

Pic of girl smelling a flower

A sweet thing happened when the Shulamite followed the King’s instructions. And an unexpected thing, when she went on that brave journey to find him. What else, but that she got gushed over! And adorned with thoughtful gifts!

But that’s just like Jesus, is it not, from your experience? He sees all the brave little …

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