Personal Review of: The Song of Songs Woman (by Jane Carole Anderson)

Full name: “The Song of Songs Woman – a Dance of Two Armies” … an “At His Feet“ series, Book 2

Amazon’s (author’s) Description:

The Song of Songs Woman: A Dance of Two Armies, by Jane Carole Anderson, is an interpretation of the Bible book, Song of Songs. Jane’s book gives a fresh and inspirational understanding of God’s heart towards His seeking and suffering believers, and towards women in particular. Her interpretation focuses on the woman in the story. This woman begins as one who is weak, suppressed, bound, defeated, and without any influence. After she encounters Solomon, she is drawn by his unique and wonderful love for her in her poor condition. As she grows to love and pursue him, she is empowered to overcome great difficulties; and, in the process, she learns just how faithful and trustworthy he is. Her relationship with Solomon changes her into a strong, capable, long-suffering, victorious, wealthy, and very influential woman!

Jane’s insightful interpretation portrays woman in a way that redefines our traditionally held views of womankind, and it does so for the better. The woman that emerges at the end of Song of Songs is one that matches with the character, capability, and beauty of the wonderful woman that emerges at the end of the Bible, the bride of Christ. The poignant romantic story calls each believer to pursue the real Solomon, Jesus Christ, and develop an intimate and trusting relationship with Him as He leads them through all of life’s difficulties and teaches them to overcome every hindrance in their pursuit of Him.

My Personal Review:

Few books I have read so far “get it” in my opinion as to the story that is behind the story in this book – namely that the Shulamite woman is the same as the woman named “Abishag” in the Bible.  Jane sees this, and sees it throughout the entire Song.  As someone who believes this also, I was able to follow very well with all the thought that Jane put into her book. Instead of taking an allegorical view of the Song, or spiritualizing every verse, she focuses more on the general love story in the book, and draws practical lessons from it. Amen. Although I believe we can draw spiritual metaphors from the individual verses as well – it is very helpful to start on a good foundation of understanding the visual story that is weaved throughout the Song.

I also appreciated that it did not feel affected by religious jargon and agendas – except that I do have some disagreement in some of the details, concerning the timing and method of Abishag’s “marriage” to Solomon. We can believe she was a godly woman, (which she refers to as a “women of Chayil”) but in my opinion we don’t have to strip her entirely of any mistakes or controversy: particularly in how she would have been viewed or accepted in the royal court having been David’s supposed “bed warmer.”  Did she have to have a traditional marriage to Solomon to have been married in God’s eyes to him? I don’t believe so. There is more to the story, in my opinion, as to why they don’t seem to live together throughout the book, and she is largely not in the royal court. (except at the beginning or possible at times)

But largely, Jane takes a more traditional approach to the story, and that’s fine. I truly do appreciate what she brings to the table in how she deals with the Song – and it was refreshing.

Jane’s book also has some of her drawings and paintings mixed in with the story, which I imagine is why the price is higher for a paperback of this size. (although last time I checked it’s only $2.99 by Kindle)

But I don’t regret paying it one bit! I highly recommend it.

Jane’s book has some of her drawings and paintings mixed in with the story, which I imagine is why the price is higher for a paperback of this size. (although last time I checked it’s only $2.99 by Kindle)

But I don’t regret paying it, and got a great deal out of it.  She is also very communicative – willing to converse by email about the Song and spiritual issues, and I’ve enjoyed chatting with her back and forth a few times.


Personal Notes:

I own this book in paperback.

I give it 5 out of 5 stars.

It can be purchased on Amazon here.


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