
The “Intimate Kingdom" is a site focused on the role the Song of Songs plays in the Kingdom of God, and one's personal relationship with Christ and His body. (apart from the religion of "churchianity") Take a look around. If you like what you read so far - feel free to download the free eBook, and then subscribe to get new posts.

Recent Song of Songs Posts Below

The Woman At The Well – She’s Not Who You Think She Is

The woman at the well in John 4. Who is she? A harlot who goes through men like water? A victim of cruel men who either die or get bored of her?   The underlying reasons for those questions are important. But what if we are simply coming to the story with 21st century concerns …

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Made Perfect in Love

Today I’d like to share a post by guest writer Teague McKamey. The last time I wrote something on the blog, A Tour of a Secret Garden, I illustrated how nature teaches us something about ‘perfection’ — and that it’s attainable in this life.

Jesus also taught this.

“Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father …

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THE SONG – By Guest Author Cheryl McGrath

The Song

Listen, be still! Can you hear it? A song carried by the Wind. Such a yearning, longing, indescribable sound. Rising Heavenward. Now soft and barely discernible, now louder, clearer, lifting and falling like waves on the sea. There never was such a sound heard through all the ages this earth has known. You won’t hear …

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Esther in Ephesians – For Such a Time As This!

Every year when the Jewish holiday “Purim” is celebrated, (which happens to be today, March 24th) I try to revisit a wonder-full article by Charis Psallo, a blogger at https://charispsallo.me/. Having received her permission, I would like to share it with my small list here. It’s so worth a read, and not just because there is a stunning connection between Esther and Ephesians. But it also sheds more light into the Woman of the Song of Songs. I hope you enjoy it!

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