Upping the Torch Flame

Hi Friends and Readers,

A turtle on the way to a finish line once said, “Slow and steady wins the race.” It’s also what I keep repeating as a book project drags on. As for a prediction of when I’ll cross the line…Nah. I’m learning my ‘depth perception’ isn’t always the same as God’s!

Meanwhile, I feel it’s time to do ‘something’ here on Intimate Kingdom, until I can get back into it full time. Fan the flame a little. Plus, my web hosting company advised me to not let a website sit idle for too long; it makes them susceptible to viruses and malware. That’s sure not a risk I want to take. It happened once a few years ago and spread to all my websites, and even with backups it was a nightmare to restore them.

So, with that said, you can expect to start seeing some occasional postings. It might just be a short story, a poem, or an old post from the archives. Or it will be an article that someone else wrote! But it will be something—and hopefully anointed somethings that will spur us on in the race for Christ. 

That’s all for now! 

For His pleasure,
~ Pamela

Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/upping-the-torch-flame/


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    • Samuel on 01/26/2024 at 8:29 am
    • Reply

    Looking forward to future emails, posts, etc. ❤️

  1. Hebrews 12:1 in the Message Version is new to me, Pam. With so many free English Bibles available in e-Sword, only 2 are an amplified type of text – rich with synonyms, simile and metaphor – the Passion Translation and the Remedy NT. The remaining 44 versions are somewhat similar in the text. How strange it is to read a text again and again, in a variety of main stream translations (KJV, RSV, NAS, ESV, NIV, et al) that don’t make an impression, then along comes one that ‘paints a picture’ with words and evokes a WOW in my spirit.

    That’s quite a contrast with a YT video I watched, where a Christian celebrity pastor was opining on Bible translations, advocating for more of a “word for word” translation and expressing reservations with the “thought for thought” translations – as the former is the “Word of God” (translated) and the latter less a translation and more of a commentary. And yet it’s commentary and relative testimony that often opens the scriptures up to us. Anyway – I like the mental image of a cloud of witnesses watching and cheering us on to run and complete the race. Would that we could hear and see them sometimes – or at least feel their encouragement.

  2. Thanks for your comment, and cheerleading, while it’s going on “up there,” is hopefully going on “down here,” too. Yes, how invigorating, if we could hear it more by faith there, and in reality here. “Well done, boy! You can do it, girl! Hang in there!” (That’s my personal amplified version for “cheering”!) :-)

    I had to buy The Message to get it loaded onto e-Sword. I also find the “GOD’S WORD” version to be “different.” I am not particular to that name, however. :-/

    • Mary Joy on 02/05/2024 at 9:46 am
    • Reply

    Hi Pamela, My neighbor asked me last week to come to a study with her which was called Momentum. The scripture used was Hebrews 12:1. As I was meditating on it from the Passion translation the last part said; for the path has already been marked out before us.
    The NLT said the race God has set before us, and the message said; keep your eyes on jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. So I’m thinking this race whatever it is to each person is already set in place and it made me think of another scripture that I haven’t thought of in a while which is from Isaiah 41: 10 and 13.
    God gave me a picture of him holding my right hand with his victorious right hand and if you actually picture that, he’s facing one way and I’m facing the other way. So then I choose whether to follow him and choose not to see where I’m going or I go the other way and let my hand leave his hand and follow my own path?
    It’s interesting how Hebrews 12:1 came up two times in that week and how moving forward showed me clearly that I want him to lead and me to follow not the other way around. So I’m clinging to him and trusting the picture he gave me and believing it has already been marked out before me.

    1. I think I can see the imagine given you in my mind’s eye. That’s great! Thanks for sharing it. What a gift when the Lord helps us to “see” something, and then confirms it more than once. It sticks then, doesn’t it?

      The path “marked out before us,” as you said, reminds me also of this:

      “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

      Not to be done APART from Him, but as A PART of following Him. :-) What an adventure!

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