The Song From Above The Sun

Two of the books that Solomon wrote, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Songs, seem to be as vastly different as the sun is from the earth.  Did Solomon write the Song in the thralls of “first love,” and Ecclesiastes later after falling away?  Or did he find true love later in life after …

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Solomon – A Sign, Wonder, and Shadow of Things to Come

Many can relate to the Shulamite of a life born in pain.  A cursory read through the Song of Songs gives us a glimpse into a woman who had a hard, if not abusive past.  But then enters Solomon, and her life will never be the same again!  Who is this man?  And what is …

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His Advances (Song 1:4)

“Draw me… Hurry!” It can be a very delicate dance to live in intimate relationship, whether we are talking physically or spiritually. There are “signals” that we receive – and it really does become important to be ready, particularly when you want to be impregnated with His life …

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The Great “Com PASSION” (Song 1:3)

I once spent several years in my 20’s in a very bad slump. I wore a plain brown dress and didn’t wear makeup or put jam on my toast. I walked around feeling the weight of the whole world was on my shoulders, and if I didn’t warn literally everyone that passed me on the street they would all be doomed forever.

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Terrible as an Army With Banners

Terrrible As an Army With Banners

There is a place for meeting our own needs, but there is also a critical time for going on with the Lord in maturity. The Bride in the Song of Songs is not a woman wandering in doubt of who she is or what she wants in life. There is a place she has reached sexually and reproductively that speaks of spiritual maturity, and a desperation right from the opening verse that makes her ‘terrible as an army.’ Song 6:10

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Lingering Fragrance

Just taking a little more time to linger and take in more that can be appreciated in the anointing of Jesus Christ…

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Mingled Odors & Shared Anointing (Song 1:3)

On multiple levels it is something that is inevitable, that closeness with another brings a mingling of odors. What does this mean in our relationship to Jesus Christ? It means that His anointing becomes ours. And this is exactly where things become heated….

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The Time of Love (Song 1:2)

What is the connection between the Song of Songs and the return of Christ? The last words of the book of Revelation is spoken by the Bride of Christ, and the SAME expression is found in the last words of a Bride in the Song of Songs! Coincidence?

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