“Lingering and Savoring”…and a Gift of Free Food (Song 2:3)

Remember, it’s all free,” she said, taking my arm as we walked into the grocery store. I needed a little encouragement, for how often does one get a shopping pass to buy anything in a store without regard to cost? This happened recently when a friend was given a huge grocery card, and wanted to share it with me. 

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Picture of the poppy I saw in my hedgerow

Well hello there,” I whispered, gently touching the paper-like head that balanced precariously atop a long, skinny stem, “I certainly did not expect to see something like you in here.” 

It seemed to nod, the bright splash of red peeking out of the thicket in my hedgerow. A poppy. A single, lone poppy. How in the world did it get here?

In a neighbor’s yard there is a flower garden with poppies, but with the distance and obstacles in-between, it seemed unlikely a seed blew this far. Maybe it was carried by a bird, or got caught on the fur of a stray cat?

More importantly though, how did it grow in such a hostile environment?

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/poppy-in-the-prickers/

Remembering the Raspberries

Picture of Raspberries

There are no coincidences with God! He brings His bride through, back, and into new seasons—always leaving her with signposts of grace along the way. This post is one of those…a turning point that led to a long 5 year “winter” season for writing on the Song. But that is done now. The past is behind, (Chapter 1) and ahead is a new, unchartered season with God and the Song.

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/remembering-the-raspberries/

WILDflower at Heart¹ (Song 2:1-2)

Wildchild among wildflowers image

Unshakeable satisfaction in human love is illusive, and an illusion, and needs to be put in its temporal place. The romance of the Song of Songs is not given to make us focus on human relationships, or long for a lover we don’t have, but to point us to the eternal substance of our inner life with Christ – and spiritual relationships, which are unshakeable.

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/flowers/

The Bed of Heaven (Song 1:16-17)

Picture of a green bed of plants

When I was a little girl I had a hobby horse, and remember spending countless hours riding and grooming it. Later in life when riding a real horse for the first time, a strong déjà vu feeling of my pretend horse came flooding back. It’s hard to describe, but sitting on the back of the reality, I felt like I had been there before, and it brought an exhilarating, childlike joy to my ride. 

All this came to mind on a certain trip, in which I could not escape an adventurous sense that its moments were once played out in the history of the Bible somewhere. What exactly I did not know, but it felt as if something from the past was merging with the present, forming a new and higher reality.

Hopefully I haven’t lost anyone. It’s actually an experience that, for me, helped unlock something in this next portion of the Song…

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/bed-of-heaven-2/

In the Secret Garden, Part 1 – “A Lily Among Thorns”

Secret Garden in the woods

A Story From Song 1:15 – 2:2

The moment the Shulamite woman dreamed about had finally arrived, that one she waited for, and journeyed at such great risk to experience. King Solomon was standing with her and holding her hands, staring at her adoringly. They exchanged some words of praise at their appearance to each other, skipping small talk entirely. Neither one were much for small talk.

Then she saw it! Like a door into another world …

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/secret-garden-story-lily-among-thorns/

Can You Come Out to Play?

Empty swing set on a beach

There is something about the innocent, carefree season of childhood that I think we all long to reconnect with. But it’s not easy. I saved a meme that read: “Children smile an average of 400 times a day; adults 15. Children laugh about 150 times a day; adults 6. Children play between 4 to 6 hours a day; adults maybe 20 minutes. What happened?¹”

When a spiritual father was on his death bed, I asked him what he would wish for me to do more of after he is gone. His response? “Play more.” 

That was not the answer I expected! But the truth is, play (and its  twin, “rest”) is …

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/can-you-come-out-to-play/

“Love in the Mazzaroth” — A Star Trip to Song 6:10

Picture of a Mazzaroth star chart

Seek Him who made the Pleiades and Orion; and Who turns the shadow of death into morning. – Amos 5:8

Last week I had an off day. A few of them, actually, feeling lost, disconnected, and weak from an internal spiritual battle. (which really, is just a form of the original one) On this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/love-in-the-mazzaroth-6-10/