Personal Review of “Secret of the Stairs” (by Wade E. Taylor)

Secret of the Stairs by Wade E TaylorThis wasn’t a “bad” book to read and I can’t say I have a lot to “complain” about it. It does make a good attempt at showing the evolution of our walk with Christ in the story of the Song. (which he compares to going up a staircase)

I did find it hard to follow in the the way verses were jumped around in, and found it somewhat dry and repetitive. I’m also not one that gets inspired much anymore by flowery religious language (“church,” Christ as our personal Savior, etc.) … even phrases like “abiding in Christ,” etc., while used in some translations of course, can become useless with overuse. So what happens is something starts to feel cold and religious – even though the purpose was not be that at all. (although the author is obviously coming from a more traditionally religious paradigm, mentioning the need for pastoral oversight and church attendance, for example)

So anyways… I would also not categorize this book as one for study, but more for devotion and soul-searching, if his writing style is your style. Once read, it’s not one I would personally consult for looking up specific verses, at all. The title of the book is thus true to its content.

Regardless, I am thankful to have read it, and included a section of it in a post about the “chamber” of Solomon in verse 4.  Read it here. The author (in my opinion) did a more succinct job of explaining something I wanted to say on that subject.

So while I may not agree with everything the author said, or how he said it, I almost always get something out of someone’s attempt at writing about the Song, who are seeking God’s truth. The Song of Songs is an endlessly rich book for those who desire to intimately know and love Christ, and I appreciate that this author gives us some glimpses of ourselves in its pages to seriously ponder!
Personal Notes:
I own this book in paperback. 
Personal star rating: 3 out of 5.
Amazon purchase location (has various editions besides this one)


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