Tag: Chapter 1

The Great “Com PASSION” (Song 1:3)

I once spent several years in my 20’s in a very bad slump. I wore a plain brown dress and didn’t wear makeup or put jam on my toast. I walked around feeling the weight of the whole world was on my shoulders, and if I didn’t warn literally everyone that passed me on the street they would all be doomed forever.

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/great-com-passion-song-13/

Mingled Odors & Shared Anointing (Song 1:3)

On multiple levels it is something that is inevitable, that closeness with another brings a mingling of odors. What does this mean in our relationship to Jesus Christ? It means that His anointing becomes ours. And this is exactly where things become heated….

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/song1-3-mingledodors/

The Time of Love (Song 1:2)

What is the connection between the Song of Songs and the return of Christ? The last words of the book of Revelation is spoken by the Bride of Christ, and the SAME expression is found in the last words of a Bride in the Song of Songs! Coincidence?

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/song1-2-timeoflove/

Kiss Me With the Kisses of His Mouth (Song 1:2)

“Kiss” in the original seems to have its meaning in the sense of an attachment or a fastening up; even with a military connotation. I guess when you are in a war, and we surely are, you don’t want to become detached from Him. In such a case the wine might get spilled. ~Jay Ferris

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/song-1-2-kisses/

A Loop of Intimacy (Song 1:2)

In verse 2, the opening words of the Song, the Bride is expressing intimate desires for her Beloved. “Kiss me”, she says. And in the last verse of the Song, she is expressing a longing for Him to hurry to her. “Make haste, run to me”, she says again. In-between there are passionate trysts of intimacy. There are also a few dark spells of searching, losing touch with the Beloved, and being hurt by others who do not love Him. It is painfully obvious that at times, her vision gets clouded. But she is His, and He is hers.

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/song1-2loop/

Entering the Mystery (Song 1:1)

The Door of Understanding

King Solomon was known for writing 1005 songs¹, but there is only one “Song of Songs”. Even so, over the centuries many Jewish scholars and leaders either refused or discouraged anyone under the age of 30 years to read this book. What has YOUR experience been with it?

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Permanent link to this article: https://intimatekingdom.com/entering-the-mystery/