The Glory of the Morning Glory

Morning Glory Flower

Morning Glory: Picture taken July 2022

There is a plant whose passion and beauty I am bursting to tell you about. As it grew from tiny seed, everything within its reach became a trellis to heaven. There’s even one on the roof of my house, spreading along the electrical line! 

The Morning Glory, as it is called, has a lively vine with a clear focus. Its many aching tendrils stretch up and out, searching the air for something to latch onto. It must go higher. It knows its reproductive survival depends on being closer to the sun.

Like vine, so flower. While most of us are still in bed sleeping, Morning Glory flowers are, (so to speak), awake, dressed, and seeking God’s face. Each flower has only one day to live (literally) and one day to attract pollinators–so they don’t miss the early sunlight. The “cool of the day,” both early morning and late evening, is their hope and glory. (See Genesis 3:8)

In about a day, they are gone.

Speaking of “shining,” look into the flower’s eye. (see my pic) A beautiful feature of the Morning Glory is the way they seem to shine with an internal light. Their fleeting lives are a glowing testimony and reflection of what they face toward, and focus upon. 

May we learn from the Morning Glory to count our days, and make them count. 

Shine bright, little flowers of God!


P.S. Curious if there were any songs about Morning Glories, I discovered this sweet video by Lauryn Marie. It even has a subtle Song of Songs taste. :-)

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    • Steven Borg on 08/30/2022 at 10:28 am
    • Reply

    Dearest Pamela…. I take it you didn’t grow up on a farm, as bindweed is a nightmare for farmers. I have a whole backyard of it and it will not die. No poison has yet been invented to kill it. It is quite pretty, though. Love your posts!!


    1. Hmmm, it sounds like a plant the gates of hell shall not prevail against. :-)
      But interestingly (and thankfully, from what you said) it’s largely an annual here. I’m guessing our harsh winters keep them from becoming a problem.

    • Samuel Hansen on 08/30/2022 at 12:14 pm
    • Reply

    I believe they are beautiful. That being said, you have a beautiful way with words to get your point across. If we make each day count, focus on Him, we will
    glow because we will be reflecting His glory and and also as we we continue to be transformed into His image and likeness we will seemingly glow from within. Love your posts. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. 🌸-😊-🌸

    • G on 01/12/2023 at 6:54 pm
    • Reply

    I love them, I love the flowers and how by sunset they’re already gone. The Mazatecs in Oaxaca, Mexico have used theirs seeds for a long time, as that internal light is present in their seeds, and upon eating, they share with who ingested them their wisdom and light. It is, however, quite an uncomfortable and intense experience, not only gastrointestinally, but also due to the intensity of the visions and perceptions they reveal.

    • Angel Justina on 04/28/2023 at 6:28 pm
    • Reply

    Beautiful I love your writing style 💜

    • Alice on 08/28/2023 at 3:30 am
    • Reply

    I love waking up to these beautiful open flowers, I grow them every year against my fence, they always die off at the end of the year, and never take over my garden, such beauty. And thank you for sharing the song, she has a beautiful voice and so heartfelt.

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